Oleg Tarasenko

Oleg is a Software Developer at Erlang Solutions.

Latest Articles

Effortlessly Extract Data from Websites with Crawly YML

Effortlessly Extract Data from Websites with Crawly YML

In the latest follow-up article by Oleg Tarasenko, he shares his further findings towards streamlining the scraping process with Crawly YML.

How ChatGPT improved my Elixir code. Some hacks are included.

How ChatGPT improved my Elixir code. Some hacks are included.

Ever wondered the impact ChatGPT can have on your Elixir code? Oleg Tarasenko has put the AI tool to the test and shares his interesting results.

Re-implement our first blog scrapper with Crawly 0.15.0

Re-implement our first blog scrapper with Crawly 0.15.0

Oleg is back with a blog scrapper update! A lot has changed in four years, including our blog design. Check out his recent tutorial on the update, with insight into the newest Crawly features.

How to build a machine learning project in Elixir

How to build a machine learning project in Elixir

Learn about Machine Learning with Elixir.

Web scraping with Elixir

Web scraping with Elixir

Learn how to deal with massive datasets via web scraping.

Receiving messages in Elixir – How to avoid performance issues

Receiving messages in Elixir – How to avoid performance issues

Avoid common mistakes that plague developers.

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