Lorena Mireles

Lorena is a Mexican backend developer who loves working with Elixir and drinking coffee. She is a co-founder of the Temachtiani community in CDMX and an active promoter of women's participation in technology.

Latest Articles

Understanding Elixir processes and concurrency

Understanding Elixir processes and concurrency

Lorena Mireles is back with her second instalment of the "Elixir, 7 steps to start your journey" series.

Elixir, 7 steps to start your journey

Elixir, 7 steps to start your journey

Ready to embark on a learning journey? Find out why it would be good to know more about Elixir and the other BEAM languages.

Erlang’s virtual machine, the BEAM

Erlang’s virtual machine, the BEAM

The magic behind the concurrency and scalability of an Elixir system happens in this virtual machine. The Elixir code you write runs on it. Therefore, before addressing the features of the programming language, we must understand its fundamentals.