Brian Underwood

Brian is a consultant at Erlang Solutions specializing in Elixir development and training. Much of his interest and experience has been around understanding languages, databases, data analysis, and APIs in order to be able to have the right tool in hand for whatever problems need solved. Brian is also a transplant to Sweden and enjoys, among other things: coffee, running, and gaming.

Latest Articles

Let Your Database Update You with EctoWatch

Let Your Database Update You with EctoWatch

Explore EctoWatch by Brian Underwood, an Elixir library simplifying real-time database update notifications for seamless application responses..

Lifting Your Loads for Maintainable Elixir Applications

Lifting Your Loads for Maintainable Elixir Applications

In his latest post, Brian Underwood explores separating data loading from data usage in Elixir applications using the Ecto library.

Can’t Live `with` It, Can’t Live `with`out It

Can’t Live `with` It, Can’t Live `with`out It

'with' is a powerful tool in Elixir, but it's not without its quirks. This blog will help you understand how to use it best and how to manage unexpected behaviours.