Building Tetris with Elixir, LiveView and OTP.

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Who doesn’t have fond, nostalgic memories of playing Tetris?

In this webinar, Sandesh Soni takes a live coding workshop to walk you through the basics of building the game, from scratch using Elixir, OTP and Phoenix LiveView without a single line of JavaScript. It’s a great exercise for beginners to learn Elixir or for Elixir lovers to create a fun hobby project.

Webinar – Creating an Elixir machine learning module for a monitoring and maintenance platform.

What Should FinTech Learn From Telecoms?

Erlang Solutions Nordics MD Erik Schön sharing lessons learnt about scalability and resilience in telecoms that should be applied to FinTech. Talk as part of Portfolio Conference, Banking Technology 2021.

Webinar – Using Erlscripten to transpile Erlang to Javascript