Phoenix with Ecto Training

  • Expertise
  • Target audience Developers looking to get a firm grasp on the fundamentals of Ecto
  • Duration 21 hours
  • Prerequisites

    Decent understanding of Elixir syntax
    Familiarity with SQL is a plus
    PostgreSQL installed & ready on your machine or Docker

Phoenix is Elixir’s framework to create standalone web applications or API services. Together with Ecto (Elixir’s go-to database wrapper), this training will take you from zero Phoenix/Ecto knowledge to a happy and proficient user. We cover all the basics and core concepts – including testing – and finish up with some tips, tricks, and more advanced features. We’ll focus on practical exercises rather than lectures. We’ll be getting hands-on with real code right from the start. When the day is over you’ll be able to use Phoenix and Ecto with confidence.


  • Take someone with zero Phoenix and Ecto knowledge and teach them everything they need to know to be proficient with both libraries.
  • Teach real-world practical skills which can be immediately applied
  • Cover fundamentals of Phoenix

Covers the following topics

  • Phoenix framework introduction
  • Code structure and useful tools
  • Ecto – schemas, migrations, changesets, querying
  • Phoenix MVC model
  • HTML integration
  • Testing
  • Phoenix Channels
  • Tips & Tricks

Why you should attend this course

  • If you want to use  Phoenix framework to create lightning fast web server
  • Connect with the database using Ecto to supercharge your app with features like data persistence, 
  • Importantly, the course is going to focus on practical skills above everything else. You’ll be learning by writing real Elixir code.