Diversity & Inclusion at Code BEAM Europe 2023

Our pledge to diversity

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it’s crucial that the minds behind it come from diverse backgrounds. Different viewpoints lead to more comprehensive solutions, ensuring that the tech we create addresses the needs of a global audience.

At Erlang Solutions, we believe that a diverse workforce is a catalyst for creativity and progress. By sponsoring the Diversity & Inclusion Programme for Code BEAM Europe 2023, we’re reinforcing our commitment to creating a tech landscape that is reflective of the world we live in.

This initiative is not just about breaking down barriers; it’s about opening doors to new perspectives, ideas, and endless possibilities.

At Erlang Solutions, we believe that diversity isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a fundamental pillar of progress. Our sponsorship of the Diversity & Inclusion Programme at Code BEAM aligns perfectly with our values. We’re excited to be part of an event that encourages open dialogue, showcases diverse talent, and paves the way for a more inclusive tech industry. – Jo Galt, Talent Manager.

The goal of the programme is to increase the diversity of attendees and offer support to groups underrepresented in the tech community who would not otherwise be able to attend the conference.

The Diversity & Inclusion Programme focuses primarily on empowering women, ethnic minorities or people with disabilities, among others, but everybody is welcome to apply

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